2D Shooter
Project 2: 2D Shooter
Cuong Dang - Michigan State University
Proposed modifications:
- Make a endless level with enemy spawners
- Create projectile-only map for dodging
- Add an exp system to level up
- Add special drops to heal/increase fire rate/invincible/etc.
- Use Tilemap and draw maps with layers
- *** Create another ship
Actual modifications:
- Created 13 new enemies, 1 new boss with differnt health/damage/projectiles
- Designed 3 new levels with different mechanics to win
- Edited old scripts with new mechanism (GameManager, Health, Damage, ShootingController, Projectile, UIManager) and developed new scripts (AsteroidSpawner, EnemySpawner2, Boss, BossHalf)
- Edited the InGameUI to also show current health, lives, and objective of each level